Notice: Undefined index: musername in /srv/www/vhosts/ on line 3 :: Samuele Dietler webpage

Update....once every 6 months is better than nothing...

August 14, 2011Posted by Samuele


It's long long time that I do not post any information on my website...probably because in these 6 months nothing special happened to me :P Still working and doing lot of stuffs, thus my spare time to keep up to dated the website is really small… but I’m glad to announce few news…

First of all, soon there will be available three new sections dedicated to Radio-Ham, Arduino programming (“C++”) and java applications… Secondly, as soon as possible graphics will be updated…So keep your computer tuned to this website…

New Adventure and Radio HAM

January 30, 2011Posted by Samuele


This Friday was my last day at Pramac Swiss(solar division). It was a great and enriching experience in automation systems. I should really say thx to my Boss Leo and all the IT team. Next Tuesday I will start at SUPSI as a researcher… I hope that everything goes fine….

My ham radio station is still under construction, so at the time, I do not have transmitted any Byte… My plan is to finish it in a couple of weeks and then starts to build the amplifier, antenna, etc….Stay tuned for more information….

finally I get my radio concession

November 27, 2010Posted by Samuele


After long long long...time I get my radio concession of type CEPT. I'm officially an HB9 radio amateur. I let you discover in a couple of weeks my new radio set as well as all the news concerning my radio station. Right now, I can just say that... I bought a K2 Elecraft ham radio. Stay connected...tune-up.

update of the site - switch to php website

October 7, 2010Posted by Samuele


Dear users, from now you must be logged-in in order to download my project!! To sign-up please go to the following link. Once you have completed the registration procedure, you can log-in.

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